Department of Computer and Information Science
Brooklyn College has a large and distinguished graduate program in computer science. The department, established in 1972, is recognized for excellence. The faculty includes two Distinguished Professors.
The department’s graduate course offerings cater to a diverse range of interests. The department offers courses in artificial intelligence, database management and information processing, theory of computing, computer architecture, operating systems and compilers, communications, signal processing, object-oriented programming, graphical user interfaces, and many other areas. Specialized topics are offered as interest arises.
The department provides a stimulating environment for those interested in studying computer science. There is enthusiastic interaction among students and faculty, and there are strong research groups. Advanced graduate students have the opportunity of doing research under the guidance of department faculty. The department has significant grant support for research, with faculty supported by such agencies as NIH, NSF, ONR, and NASA.
The department’s academic goal in the graduate program is to train graduate students for careers in computing research and applications. The two primary graduate programs of the department are a Master of Arts (M.A) degree in Computer Science, oriented toward computer science research and development applications; and a Master of Science (M.S.) degree in Information Systems, oriented towards organizational and administrative uses of computing. Both programs include study of advanced applications and methodology. The M.A. degree also prepares students for Ph.D. study. The department plays a major role in the Ph.D. Program in Computer Science of the City University of New York.