The Minor in Computer Science
Students can officially minor in CS by taking 12 credits in CIS electives whose course numbers are above 2000, including at least one of 3130 or 3310. At least 6 of the credits presented for the minor must be completed at Brooklyn College. The 12 advanced elective credits must be completed with an average of C or better.
Three possible minors are the following:
- CISC 1115, 2210, 3115; 3130; and 3310
- CISC 1115, 1050; 2531 or 2210; 3800, 3115; and 3130 or 3630
- CISC 1115, 3115; 3130; and two additional courses numbered 2000 or above (however, make sure that you fulfill any prerequisites).
Any student who is not familiar with Microsoft Word, Excel, Access and/or PowerPoint is advised to also take CISC 1050 during his or her college studies.