Student Societies
The Computer Science Society
The Computer Science Society is a school club, composed of students interested in the field of computing. Students with such an interest are invited to join, regardless of their intention to major in computer and information science.
The main activities of the Computer Science Society include the following: talks by guest speakers, club and social meetings, and access to special society offers.
For more information about the Computer Science Society, contact its officers by leaving a note in the society’s mailbox in Room 2109N, or contact the faculty advisor, Prof. Murray Gross.
Upsilon Pi Epsilon Honor Society
Brooklyn College has a chapter of the national Computer Science Honor Society, Upsilon Pi Epsilon (UPE). Students are elected to membership in this society in their junior or senior year, based on their academic record. More information about the society and election procedures can be found on the bulletin boards outside the department office.
Women in Computer Science
The Women in Computer Science Club strives to build a strong and supportive community for women in a field where they are largely underrepresented. Through events, technical workshops, and resource sharing, we are making Brooklyn College a place where women are encouraged to pursue a career in technology. Now at over 40 members and growing, the club is constantly looking for opportunities to expand their efforts. For information and inquiries, please e-mail